Cyber Liability Coverage

Help for cyber incidents when you need it most

A cyber-attack can be financially devastating to medical practices — large or small.

Cyber insurance is included in all LSA policies. It includes coverage for network security and privacy incidents.

Coverage includes

     - Ransom payments
incurred directly resulting from a ransom threat.
     - Data and system recovery costs incurred directly resulting from a cyber event.
     - Business interruption loss, including extra expense, incurred because of a business interruption directly resulting from a business interruption        event.
     - Reputation harm — Reputation loss incurred because of a reputation event directly resulting from a cyber event or extortion threat.
     - Cyber event costs directly resulting from a cyber event.
     - Proof of loss — Any reasonable and necessary costs for an expert to determine the amount and the extent of any covered business interruption        loss, data and system recovery costs, extra expense, and reputation loss.
     - Privacy and network security — Any damages and defense costs arising from a liability claim against an insured for any cyber event.
     - Regulatory fines and penalties — Any fines, penalties, and defense costs arising from a regulatory claim against an insured for any cyber        event.
     - Cyber deception — Losses from fraudulent instruction, funds transfer fraud, and telephone fraud.
     - Payment card — Any PCI payments, PCI investigation costs, and defense costs arising from a PCI claim against the insured for a PCI wrongful act        resulting from a cyber event.
     - Media — Any damages and defense costs arising from a liability claim against the insured for a media wrongful act.

Important information about your cyber policy

There is a $2,500 deductible per insured event
     - 60-day reporting period

Physicians: $100,000 per claim / $100,000 per policy period
Entities: $100,000 per claim / $500,000 per policy period

Higher limits
Higher limits — up to $3 million — are available for purchase. For more information on higher limits, talk to your agent or email

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