Partner Companies

TMLT logo

In 1979, the Texas Medical Association established TMLT to provide affordable, reliable coverage against medical liability claims for its members. TMLT is not an insurance company, but a self-insured trust led by a Board of Governors who are elected by TMLT policyholders.

TMLT now has more than 20,000 policyholders and covers more Texas physicians than our five largest competitors combined. Lone Star Alliance is an affiliated TMLT Company.

TMIC logo

Established in 1995, Texas Medical Insurance Company (TMIC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of TMLT. Through TMIC, allied health professionals and ancillary staff have the same level of protection and service as TMLT physician policyholders.

Partner logo

TMLT works with a number of preferred agents for those who prefer to work with an agent to obtain coverage.

Diagram depicting the interactions between the partner companies