A claims-made policy protects you during the active policy period, usually one year. If you do not renew your claims-made policy when it expires, you no longer have coverage for any claims that may arise in the future that are alleged to have occurred during the time your policy was in force. About coverage and limits.
An occurrence policy provides ongoing insurance protection for events that occur during the policy period, even if they are reported after the policy is cancelled. Occurrence policies are generally more expensive, but it is not necessary to buy supplemental coverage like tail or prior acts coverage after an occurrence policy expires. About coverage and limits.
Per-Patient policies are designed for emergency medicine and urgent care groups, as well as other groups that are structured on a per-encounter basis. These flexible policies are more cost-effective with pricing based on the number of visits rather than the number of physicians in the group. About coverage and limits.
Every LSA policy includes Medefense coverage. Medefense covers legal expenses, fines, and penalties associated with disciplinary actions, such as actions by a state medical board, a hospital review committee, or a federal regulatory agency. About coverage and limits.
LSA provides coverage for data breaches and privacy liability actions, which protects your practice from major expenses, lawsuits, business interruptions, and regulatory fines and penalties. About coverage and limits.
EPLI protects against employment-related claims such as harassment, wrongful termination, and discrimination. About coverage and limits.
Medical director coverage protects physicians who are also serving in an administrative capacity as head of an organized medical staff. About coverage and limits.